Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an asymmetric cryptography protocol designed to provide communication security, authentication, and data integrity over unsecured networks (such as the Internet).  SSL uses the ITU-T standard X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI) which provides for public key certificates and certificate revocation lists.

SSL is commonly used to ensure that logins, passwords, personal data, and financial information such as credit card and bank account numbers cannot be intercepted when communicating with Internet-based e-commerce services.

All Udocx cloud services require SSL-encrypted connections.  This requirement cannot be disabled.  During the initial configuration of an MFP, SSL must be enabled and security certificates installed.  For MFPs that have a non-standard implementation of SSL and cannot communicate with Udocx cloud services directly, the Udocx Service Proxy is available.



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