Document filing in Office 365

Scan your documents to the cloud

With Udocx, you can securely scan, and store paper documents into Microsoft Office 365.  Udocx converts documents into smart digital files for easy retrieval, anywhere and on any device.   


Efficient One-click scanning to Office 365

Store documents directly in the application of your choice 

Use any device, including desktop scanners and MFPs, to scan directly into Office 365. Select specific destinations within Email, OneDrive or SharePoint.

Scan, store, and share information within and outside of your company with ease and enhance collaboration.  Udocx also converts all documents into PDF/A files, following the ISO standard for long term archiving, ensuring your information is available now and in the future.

Efficient One-click scanning to Office 365



Automatically initiate workflows

Standardize document processing and boost productivity

Udocx allows you to automatically integrate documents into existing workflows, improving efficiency and collaboration throughout the company.

Automatically extracted data using Udocx form recognition, and manually added metadata, integrates documents directly into workflows such as validation, approval and verification.

Automatically initiate workflows



Scan to Email

Quickly email paper documents from your personal account

Sending an email from a scanner or MFP is often a multi-step and error prone process. With Udocx you can scan and email documents in a single click as your Office 365 email account and address book are integrated. Documents are sent from your Office 365 email address, and are archived in your 'sent items'.

Scan to Email



No software, no server

Enjoy the benefits of the cloud

Like Office 365, Udocx is software as a service, and you pay as you go. This makes Udocx effortless to implement without the associated overhead of managing an infrastructure on your own. Udocx safely runs on Azure and is available 24x7 with unlimited scalability. Flexible management options ensure that you retain the control you need to meet the compliance requirements of your organization.

Udocx does not store documents. Scanned documents are only processed by Udocx, but are stored in the appropriate Office 365 application.

Udocx Cloud